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New Collab with and Space Mob LLC

I’m really excited to announce my recent collaboration with and Space Mob LLC! They started out by asking me to do a test shoot for the topic: Women Stop Saying These Phrases. The direction was to speak about gender biased phrases that many of us use unknowingly. Some examples are:

  • Stop Being a Pussy

  • You Cry Like a Little Girl

  • You are Such a Drama Queen

I started out speaking extemporaneously on the topic, but it soon became clear that:

  1. I couldn’t memorize what I wanted to say and

  2. A poem could be way more fun!

Deciding to take a creative risk, I wrote out my thoughts as a poem - and it paid off! They ended up utilizing my poem for another video: Reclaiming a Derogatory Term

Both and Space Mob loved the idea and hired me to produce a few more, such as Why Do I Love Cursing and some that are currently in the works.  I’ll be sure to post them here once they are up!

Interested in booking me for your video or to write a poem? Get in touch with me!