Reclaiming a Derogatory Term

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Reclaiming a Derogatory Term

This woman shows us how to reclaim a derogatory term that has been used to call people timid or meek. Watch her rhymed explanation as to why this word is anything but feeble.

This woman shows us how to reclaim a derogatory term that has been used to call people timid or meek. Watch her rhymed explanation as to why this word is anything but feeble.

“Stop being a pussy!”
Where do I begin?
We say this when someone is acting timid or meek
but pussies are anything at all but weak.
They bleed, expand for sex, self-clean.
They are your mother, your daughter,
your girlfriend, your queen.
Vaginas are the antithesis of feeble.
And let’s not forget they push out whole people.
So don’t call someone a pussy unless …
“You’re resilient.”
“You’re strong.”
“You’re giving.”
is what you mean to say.
And aren’t those the words we should be using
to talk to each other anyway? 🔷