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How to Create a Home Office That Sets You Up for Success

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Setting up a home-based workspace can be a conundrum. You don’t want your work mixing up with your personal life, and of course, you want to design the area with an effective blend of both aesthetics and productivity in mind. Here’s how to make your home office both practical and pleasing, as well as how to ensure you’re able to keep a comfortable work-life balance.

Separate but Equal

One of the most important aspects of creating a healthy and happy home workspace is to ensure you have the ability to separate business from pleasure. In other words, customers aren’t going to be stumbling into your family room, and family members won’t be interrupting important meetings. Think about what space you have available and decide if you have a solution that’s both easy and practical. Sometimes, this is as simple as closing a door or setting particular office hours. However, sometimes it requires adding an outbuilding, converting a garage, or, if space is already at a premium, it could mean finding a new home. If you’ve found that somehow your workland has invaded dreamland, first of all don’t feel bad. This is a transition for all of us! Secondly, here are some tips on Reclaiming Your Bedroom After Quarantine, as well as some other useful information for setting up your space for balance and success.

Money Matters

Start pricing out what you need to make your change. If you’re flipping the identity of a flex room, for instance, a few cans of paint and some office equipment might be all you need. On the other hand, moving will mean a much bigger budget. For example, homes in Pasadena sold for $912,000 on average last month. A middling option is to make an addition or renovation. Many people choose to give up their garage for a home office, which Money Pit says the conversion can run anywhere from $25,000 to about $40,000.

No garage to spare, but no desire to move? No problem. Another good option is to build a home office shed. Small sheds start at around $1,500, and from there, the sky’s the limit! There is everything from quaint studios to multi-car options with office space above. The key is to sort through your best choices, then see how that can fit with your budget. You may need to explore loan options, keeping in mind you may need money for startup costs as well.

Seats and Stuff

As you’re mulling over your space options, something to keep at the forefront of your mind is how your space functions. Separating things from family is one thing, but also remember that you need to afford your business a natural flow. If you’re a chef prepping catered meals, that might mean a kitchen with space for sous chefs and parking for delivery vans to come and go, with your office space in a quiet corner. If you’re a consultant for other businesses, it might mean an area for meetings, a waiting room for clients, and a guest half-bath.

Spend time contemplating the way the space will function through the workday and what you need to make it happen. There are even websites that can help you sketch your ideas to visualize traffic patterns and furniture layouts more clearly.

Tools of the Trade

Lastly, sort out the basics that go hand-in-hand with every home office. A desk, chair, and computer are priorities so you can tend your bookkeeping, and practical lighting will help you stay comfortable and efficient while you work. PR Newswire explains natural lighting is the best choice for productivity, so try to position your desk close to a window. You might need to take some measurements and select your arrangement and furniture with that in mind.

Creating a home office that is functional and attractive can be challenging, but with a little planning, you’ll be well underway. Think about the spaces you have available, sort your needs, and go from there. Soon, you’ll be open for business and set up for success!