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Caught Between LA (er ... the Moon) and NYC

little tokyo lths goodnight new york.png

Been in LA since December now and last night found myself 2.5 glasses of wine in last night and browsing for Netflix movies set in NYC.  Never thought a city would be my drunk dial.  Is this what happens when you’re in a long distance relationship?

A roundabout way say that I am anxiously awaiting “winners announced!” from two writing contests:

  1. Good Night New York put on by Gotham Writers to be announced in March.  Winners get to read aloud their 500-word story, which will also be put on display in three hotel rooms at The Frederick Hotel which I understand is in the trendy area of Tribeca.         
  2. Imagine Little Tokyo short story contest hosted by The Little Tokyo Historical Society.  Was thrilled to write this one – a romantic comedy set in my family’s restaurant, Lem’s Café, which was on 1st and San Pedro.  Unfortunately, did not get to include all the quirky details due to the 2,500 word constraint (which I hit on the dot thankyouverymuch with not a word to spare).  SPOILER: My dad’s the chef and he falls in love.

Ironic that Good Night NY winner will be announced when I’m in LA, and Imagine Little Tokyo winners are released when I’m back in NY.  Even the universe is in favor of bi-coastal living.

Win or lose, I’ll publish both of these (unabridged) on my Medium account.  Wish me luck!

Do you guys enter writing contests? What are your favorites?    

Also, Arthur’s theme – what a classic!  And, anyone still watch Glee?  Is it even still on?